Kiddy Planet Nursery welcomes to An Amazing Child, a place where kids celebrate the magic of their childhood and the importance of free, expressive play based learning.
The Nursery Method is a multi-sensory, self-directed approach to learning. It emphasises the importance of respecting the unique individuality of every child, making astute observations and providing learning experiences according to the child's interests.
Kiddy Planet Nursery Designed to be a collaboration of like-minded individuals offering play based learning inspired by the educational approaches of Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner's Waldorf Education and the Reggio Emilia Approach.
We believe strongly in the importance of play and creating inspiring play spaces in Nursery which actively engages children and encourages natural curiosity and exploration.
Children in Kiddy Planet Nursery enjoy a well-balanced day with periods of indoor and outdoor play and learning, adult-led activity and opportunities to choose which activities they would like to engage in, either with their friends or independently.
Our Nursery’s Staff not only plan and organise activities to enhance and support the children’s learning and development, but also make written observations of children as they play so that they can plan for each individual child’s next steps on their learning journey.
Weekly planning to support the children’s learning covers all 6 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum:
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Communication, Language and Literacy
- Problem-solving, reasoning and numeracy (mathematical development)
- Knowledge and understanding of the world (includes IT, designing and making skills, science and nature)
- Physical development (both fine motor and gross motor development)
- Creative development (includes role-play and music too)
There is an emphasis on learning by doing with children being engaged in purposeful, authentic learning experiences. Our Nursery’s education promotes problem-solving and creative thinking and recognises that the process is the goal of learning and not the end product.
Learning experiences are designed to actively engage children by inspiring them and nurturing their natural curiosity.
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