At KPN Studies show that the early childhood years (3-5) are the most critical years for learning. This is the time they develop their ability to be attentive, to socialize, and to follow directions. The Kiddy Planet Nursery’s programs today provide structured learning environment to prepare kids not only for Kindergarten but also serve as a foundation for their learning abilities for later success in life. While learning pre-reading, pre-math and socialization skills are important; it is essential for the parents to prepare your kids emotionally and socially during the preschool years.
A child with a high self-esteem encourages him to learn new things, to cooperate, to listen, to explore, to face the challenges ahead of him, to accept failures, and to express his thoughts and feelings. Even in your unstructured ways, you can help your child prepare for school emotionally, while developing his social skills as well.
A child seeks attention. At KPN children love playing every day. They play hide ‘n seek, chase, hopscotch, dress-up, catch and there’s a lot more games we allow them to play.
· Enhance creativity @ KPN
At KPN Children love playing with colors and make textures and shapes while playing from their tiny small fingers, they draw just about anything they want to. Children love playing in the water. They do arts and crafts and make their art work.
· Enhance your child’s language development @ KPN
At KPN children love playing name games, spot the letters and they love to sing nursery rhymes while in the classes and play areas.
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